Monday, December 19, 2011

Diary Of Modern Mom 28

After received the forms to sign (which i have to read thoroughly before submit, & still blur..:P), I've finished all works early before out for lunch and now feel so boring , damn bored!

Lets listen to Maracaibo Station

sound nice, also made me think about similarity of malay and latin people. Not about the language or the way they performed the song. But its because of the rhythm and the resemblances of their looks itself. I dont know whether latin people realised about this but here we've got few latin Dramas (imported off course) on our TV and I bet there must be no Malay Drama/Movies on their TV's.. :( Also i guess they dont even know about us. Why must they watch/listen malay drama/movie/song anyway?
Not only latin, few of malay people will crazy about hindi films/song few years back, so do korean phenomenons as years changed..see how easy we can adapted into other cultures..

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Diary Of Modern Mom 27

Activities on Dec 2011

Sesi btukar no bb, tah aku pun tak reti sbb x pakai bb :P

PArt ni mmg best aku dpt pashmina, walau kaler hitam aku suka sbb free kan..

received cheque's from dof (aku agak la kan)

Pic ni disnap semasa hantar Tam balik ke Riyadh..letih layan

mcm2 peel la pulaks

K zana nyanyi , aya malu2 kt sebelah..aku pun malu haha

Ni adik yad, kerja nk p rock climbing sejak akhir2 ni (sbb ayah dia yg minat nk buat aktiviti ni so anak kena la ikut, no choice - MUST!! ok)

Yang sebenar-benarnya aku ni sakit belakang tak sudah sbb dua hari berturut-turut buat gardening and all household chores. Feel demoralised, but yet kalo aku tak buat who else gonna do?? aku jugak... Well no use mumblings, no use nagging..take it for granted? you'll soon get heartache or else heart attacked. Ohh no no no..mintak simpang..
Mujurla mr hubby tak jadi ke Penang. At least kerja rumah yg terbengkalai boleh diselesaikan dlm masa dua hari..
OOO kisahnya..Harini dpt birthday gift in advanced from Puspanita DOF. Siap ada penyanyi jemputan yg mulanya aku tak brp kenal, Ohh at last org ofis bgtau ni penyanyi AF..hahah aku mana pernah tengok AF, busy dgn anak2 , mana ada masa nk tengok TV pun. MMg lawak penyanyi zmn ni dah makin ramai sampai aku tak kenai. hikhikhik. Aku terlupa nk pakai baju merah putih as per theme kat situ. ISh agak malu nk naik stage bila aku sorg pakai baju ijau trang tang tang..tobat kalo aku tau aku malas masuk majlis ni.

Diary Of Modern Mom 26

MAsih lagi berkisar pasai skim tu, Today siap ada Taklimat pasai benda ni, Hish ni buat aku semakin malas nk kerja. Memandangkan kesukaran mendapatkan pekerjaan zmn ni semakin meruncing. Perlukah aku bersabar demi hutang piutang yg masih ada utk dilangsaikan?atau menjadi fulltime housewife sptmana cita2 terdahulu slps cita2 pertama (konon nk sambung study dan jadi wanita bekerjaya)..itu dulu skrg dah musnah sbb yg utama adalah anak2 dan kehidupan akhirat yg abadi. :(

Fulltimehousewife??? kerjaya yg sgt menarik. Aku suka deko sndiri rumah dan jaga anak sndiri dan buat semua benda all on time, 10 in 1..TApi kalau lama2 asyik aku ja yg dok sebok buat itu ini, aku pun naik fedup satni. Mulala nak hangin satu badan. Sgt mencabar keimanan la kerja ni actually.

so apa lagi tunggu..times out, ..Getaway! BOsan2 aku dok browsing pasai suitable and affordable holiday packages. Nothing fascinated me and also quite a no of mesmerizing place but not affordable, too expensive la pulak. Need to review, nak bwk salah sorg ja atau guna FOC. Itupun kalo dpt consideration mr hubby..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Scheme

Kecoh sana sini bercerita pasai skim baru ni. Ada yg kata skim ni berkemungkinan mengubah persepsi org bukan gomen terhadap org gomen,jugak skim ni bukan setakat kenaikan gaji tapi ada "hidden cost" disebalik terma2 tsbt. Byk yg pesan baca betoi2 dulu term & condition tu sebelum sign option.

Nak cerita lanjut pun susah , apa kata review sndiri kat internet. Kena study term dan paham apa maknanya.


also can be download thru link

Monday, December 12, 2011

all abt crisis of our National Carrier

source: INTERNET

So sad but this is true recovery plans which i think might affected staffs & their respondents as well.


me myself ? hmm not much to say but a bit reliefs when management's guaranteed - “no plans to reduce manpower” due to pressure from oil prices.

Monday, December 5, 2011

how to works in emergency situation (for muslims women)



This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2009)

Female employment

The labor force in the Caliphate were employed from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, while both men and women were involved in diverse occupations and economic activities.
Women were employed in a wide range of commercial activities and diverse occupations in the primary sector (as farmers, for example), secondary sector (as construction workers, dyers, spinners, etc.) and tertiary sector (as investors, doctors, nurses, presidents of guilds, brokers, peddlers, lenders, scholars, etc.). Muslim women also held a monopoly over certain branches of the textile industry,the largest and most specialized and market-oriented industry at the time, in occupations such as spinning, dyeing, and embroidery. In comparison, female property rights and wage labour were relatively uncommon in Europe until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries.
In the 12th century, the famous Islamic philosopher and qadi (judge) Ibn Rushd, known to the West as Averroes, claimed that women were equal to men in all respects and possessed equal capacities to shine in peace and in war, citing examples of female warriors among the Arabs, Greeks and Africans to support his case. In early Muslim history, examples of notable female Muslims who fought during the Muslim conquests and Fitna (civil wars) as soldiers or generals included Nusaybah Bint k’ab Al Maziniyyah a.k.a. Umm Amarah, Aisha,Kahula and Wafeira.
A unique feature of medieval Muslim hospitals was the role of female staff, who were rarely employed in hospitals elsewhere in the world. Medieval Muslim hospitals commonly employed female nurses. Muslim hospitals were also the first to employ female physicians, the most famous being two female physicians from the Banu Zuhr family who served the Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur in the 12th century.[40] This was necessary due to the segregation between male and female patients in Islamic hospitals. Later in the 15th century, female surgeons were illustrated for the first time in Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu's Cerrahiyyetu'l-Haniyye (Imperial Surgery).

Employment patterns today

Patterns of women's employment vary throughout the Muslim world: as of 2005, 16% of Pakistani women were "economically active" (either employed, or unemployed but available to furnish labor), whereas 52% of Indonesian women were.
Women are allowed to work in Islam, subject to certain conditions, such as if a woman is in financial need and her employment does not cause her to neglect her role as a mother and wife.
It has been claimed that it is the responsibility of the Muslim community to organize work for women, so that she can do so in a Muslim cultural atmosphere, where her rights (as set out in the Qur'an) are respected.[44] Islamic law however, permits women to work in Islamic conditions.[44]
The work should not require the man or the woman to violate Islamic law (e.g., serving alcohol), and be mindful of the woman's safety.
If the work requires the woman to leave her home, she must maintain her 'modesty' just as with men.
Due to cultural and not religious beliefs, in some cases, when women have the right to work and are educated, women's job opportunities may in practice be unequal to those of men. In Egypt for example, women have limited opportunities to work in the private sector because women are still expected to put their role in the family first, which causes men to be seen as more reliable in the long term.
An indicator of the attitude of the Qur'an to women in the workplace can be seen in the quotes regarding working women. These are the examples of two female shepherds Qur'an 28:23, and Khadijah (prophet Muhammad's wife), who was an eminent businesswoman. Khadijah is called up as a role model for females in the Qur'an.

Dress code
Main articles: Hijab and Hijab by country
Hijab is the Qur'anic requirement that Muslims, both male and female, dress and behave modestly. The most important Qur'anic verse relating to hijab is sura 24:31, which says, "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not to display their adornment except that which ordinarily appears thereof and to draw their headcovers over their chests and not to display their adornment except to their [maharim]..."
There are regional and sectarian variations of the veil associated with hijab. Depending upon local views regarding female modesty, they may or may not cover the face or the eyes, or the entire body. These variations include:

A map showing dress code types in Islamic countries, 2008.
Hijab - A scarf covering the hair.
Chador - A cloak covering the head and body, but leaving the face uncovered; worn by many women in Iran when outside the home.
Shayla - A long rectangular scarf, pinned or tucked at the shoulder, leaving the face uncovered; worn by many women in the Persian Gulf region.
Khimar - A long rectangular scarf, covering the head, neck and shoulders, but leaving the face uncovered.
Burka - Covers the entire head and body, including the eyes; the wearer sees through a cloth mesh eye veil sewn into the burka.
Al-Amira - A two-piece veil that includes a close-fitting cap and a tube-shaped scarf covering the head and neck, but leaving the face uncovered.
Niqab - A veil that leaves the eye clear (although it may be worn with an eye veil), and worn with a headscarf.
The hijab, and the veil in particular, have often been viewed by many as a sign of oppression of Muslim women.
The wearing of the hijab has become controversial in countries where Muslims are a minority, and where majority secular opinions regard the hijab as violating women's freedom, especially in Europe amid increasing immigration of Muslims.
The 2006 United Kingdom debate over veils and the 2004 French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools are two notable examples. However, it is argued that if it is acceptable for a Christian Nun to cover her head and body for religious reasons, then why is it not for a Muslim woman?
In France, the law banning the wearing of a face veil in public is being enforced. Sentencing includes a 150 euro fine and a citizenship course. Two women were detained in April 2011 when the law came into force.
In some countries where Muslims are a minority, there is much less public opposition to the practise, although concerns about it are discussed. Canadian media, for example, have covered controversies where concerns have been raised over the veil being a possible security risk, as in cases where Muslim women have refused to remove their niqab or burka veil for voter identification at polls. In 2007, the federal government of Canada introduced a bill to ban face coverings for voter identification, but this bill was dropped as not required:
it was pointed out that thousands of Canadians have no photo ID. Requiring them to show their faces would be meaningless without photo identification against which to verify their identities. The Elections Act gives voters three ways to prove their identification in order to cast a ballot: provide a government photo ID; provide two pieces of approved ID, at least one of which must state their address (but neither of which must contain a photo); or have another voter registered in the same district vouch for them.

not yet finish, to be continued....

Interpersonal Skills Course

Lucky this year i obtained 3Days Course although JPA circulated all Gov servants must attend at least 7Days Course per year. As a secretary , i found its so hard for me to leave my desk , another reason is.. Im working with all G's (Agri/fisheries) staff which is diff from my shceme so i didnt have much choice to choose the courses tht i need!!

Self Development & Interpersonal Skills @ 29Nov-1Dec 2011 @ PSM DOF
Trainer :
Pn Puziah Hasan

In Group Presentation , we had 3 diff highway to combined..

Our motivator with all red baju kurung
photoshot by group: wira (mcm takdak nama lain nak boh ja)

Last day course.


I like this course & gained so much knowledge from it!!
Social skills shows how well you communicate with someone and how well you behave or carry yourself wherever you are.
Having positive interpersonal skills increases the productivity in the organization since the number of conflicts is reduced. In informal situations, it allows communication to be easy and comfortable. People with good interpersonal skills can generally control the feelings that emerge in difficult situations and respond appropriately, instead of being overwhelmed by emotion.

Nazeefa Zatu Irqin's 4th Birthday

Not far from her bro bday, its NZI aka K cik's bday ---> 7.12.11. Celebrating her bday wont be much fun this year coz next year we gonna have 3 kiddos 'back to school' on this coming Jan, so strictly our budget will be a bit tight on Dec.

But dont worry much coz..present coming soon..

My 3rd kid's..