Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diary Of Modern Mom 2

Its a tiring day . Early morning my hubby rang me up and told me tht he couldnt be at home ontime to send Pidin to the school. Argghh! meaning tht Ive gotta wake up and get him ready all alone and again send him like yesterday. No prob I can do it ontime better than my hubby did. But before I wake pidin's up I must first make a call..YEah!! Ibu!! YEah my mother whoelse..
"Pls come here and take a look for the other 3.." OK and around 10 mins I managed all the doings, So by the time Ibu also already here. I went out this morning without worrying so much.. Lalala

At school - Always I gave pidin's around RM3-4 and I told him , "Pls put RM2/= in the saving box everyday, Ok?" And he as usual said "yes. I will". Every mother want their kids learn how to save money and managed their own life better when they grown up soon. So do I, but how dare I teach him doing tht while I cannot dicipline myself to save money every month?? Huh I cant imagine wht would happen to my family without proper saving planning. May Allah help us..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bowel Problem

Kesian sgt kt baby Firas Ziyadh ni setiap kali nak berak terpaksa teran berhabisan. Sebab asyik berak keras, dah sampai berdarah-darah. So as a mom aku pun dah tak tahu kali keberapa aku p jumpa doc utk minta solutions. Last2 Doc kt Annur suggest aku bagi Duphalac atau Lactul tapi dlm kuantiti yg byk sehingga dia dah agak2 besar sikit. Maknanya sampai dia pandai berak sendiri. So diberi dlm kuantiti 7 sehingga boleh mencapai 15ml kalau keras jugak. Setakat ni dia masih kena mkn sbyk 7-9 ml.
** Adik Iyad
Heran sebab adik Iyad makan byk - roti,nasi,biskut,moi dan segala makanan2 lain pun. Ayaq masak pun bagi cuma dia tak brp minum byk sgt. BUah2an toksah ckpla. Boleh dikatakan selang sehari beli betik, pisang..Emm KDg2 epal . Tapi epal mmg tak lut pun kalau mkn. TApi kalau nak kata keturunan, mungkin ka?Sbb aku pun cmtu gak dulu2..

**Sorry kalau pic ni agak kurang menyenangkan tapi ni sebagai kenangan nanti2 kalau dah besar buleh la ckp kt dia dulu adik berak sampai berdarah2.

Diary Of Modern Mom 1

As usual today i have to send my son to school and straight forward to the office. Punyalah cepat aku drive last2 7.58 punch card. OK janji tak lambat lebih dari jam 8. Sekali boss sent sms : Ive got appt with the doc this morning. Hmm kalau aku tau, dari awai tadi tak payah pederas kereta mcm pelesit.

Boring sbb smlm my beloved keja syif mlm. So pagi ni aku sorang yg terligan sana sini pesoh anak2. Kalau sama2 kerja siang pun aku jugak yang kelam kabut satu mcm. At least dia boleh tlg angkat anak2 masuk dlm kereta pun jadilah.

Berbalik pada kerja rumah. Last night aku sempat ajar pidin matematik dan jawi. Tapi masih tak dapat siapkan kerja Alquran sbb buku kwn dia nak buat contoh pun tak bawak balik rumah. Macamana nak tau apa yg nak kena tulis?? Cikgu mmg tak leh nak disalahkan sbb satu kelas ada 30+ pupils. MMg sakit hati bila tengok buku dia ada dakwat merah tulis "incomplete!", so bila aku check mmg mlm tu jugak aku suruh siapkan kerja sampai sudah. Grrr!!

Sambil ajag pidin aku sidai kain, sambil sidai kain aku tengok firas ziyadh menapak merangkak sana sini naik tangga turun tangga. Aduh sambil2 tu bagi dia mkn kuih bahulu sbb siang tadi aku dah suap moi . Dgn harapan mlm tu tak pyh bancuh susu byk kali sbb kepalaran. Tapi mmg dia ni kuat mkn. Brp kali bg mkn pun dia akan mkn punyalah!.

My 2 little girls pulak , Natasha naik atas lena sendiri while Nazeefa.. She's a bit tired coz during daytime tak lena siang so lps minum nenen dia terjelepuk atas carpet sensorang. Heheh Mmg lega sikit aku tak pyh ckp byk2.

--------------> End <------------------

Monday, January 24, 2011

Feel Fresh At Office

ROw row ROw the boat, Gently down the sea...merily, MErily, MErily

Dedicated Staffs
With Officers and inspired boss

my room + desk .. work for life!

Today Ive got lotsa thing to be done. Luckily my boss wasnt around..YAbeda BEdoo!!! so here are some checklist wht to do today ..check it out

1. clear inoutletter
2.make sure officers were on their duty - to the meeting as per requested by boss
3. fax all docs related
4. ask admins abt my forms as it's already pass due date
5. coordinating my boss routes to kch tomorrow (get ready with her ticket as well)
6. to ensure the collections of skorkad ..still got people who dont bother to submit it to me. :(
7. to call several people

hopefully can settle all before 5pm.. Insyaallah.