When Mom's need space to write too So here come The Diary of Modern Mom Most probably the story abt my kids, my beloved hubby n my entire life and for sure it's all about soul talk , Wht I feel, Wht I Think ..
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Diary Of Modern Mom 22
Normal la tu kan ..Bila sakit ja aku teringat kat anak2..mcm mana budak2 ni kalau aku takdak??Hmmm bertambah sakit kepala kalau aku masuk hosp..dok ingat rumah berserabut, dgn kerja, dgn smbhyg pun takleh..adehhh tlg, aku tak mau dah masuk hospital..
Syukur alhamdulillah hari ni aku masih bernyawa untuk besarkan anak2 , utk beribadah kpd Allah dan bekerja mcm biasa utk biayai kehidupan esok harinya. Terkejut dgn kejadian semalam menimpa aku, mana tak takut bila tangan aku dah tak berfungsi mcm biasa , mata pun kelam, rasa tak tentu arah tapi aku masih ingat nak mengucap dan selawat nabi.
Asalnya aku sakit kepala mungkin istilah perubatan : migrain tahap 3 kot. Sbb tiba2 mata aku gelap, sesak nafas dan urat saraf aku dah kejang serta merta. Mujur ada kawan2 kat ofis yang sudi membantu, angkat kakak yg sdg demam dan hantar aku balik rumah.
Tak suka nak ke hospital sbb aku rasa mungkin hosp akan ingat penyakit aku tak sekronik yg org lain nmpk. Tapi kena mengalah jugak sbb tgh sakit org dh bwk p , aku tak leh nk kata apa.
Sampai di hosp, Med. ass ckp aku terlebih oksigen. Sbb sedut nafas cpt2 masa tgh sesak nafas tu. Walaupun pelik tp itulah hakikatnya. Solution: dia lekat paper bag dkt hidung dan mulut jadi utk balancing karbon dioksida dgn oksigen. Jadi tangan aku secara slow kembali pulih, wow dah boleh gerak semula dan tak mengerekot dah. Alhamdulillah. Syukur sgt2..
Sayangnya aku tak dpt MC sbb dh masuk ward pun dah ptg lps waktu bekerja. Keesokan hari tpksa ambil cuti sbb masih terasa sakit kena suntikan tahan sakit.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Diary Of Modern Mom 21
The only sentences tht suits my feeling to show how dissapointed i am today :
"Praise the bridge that carried you over"
Not to say im hunger for complimentary ok , but at least gimme an appreciation after a while ive been going through all these "hard days".
Growing KIds
As i mentioned on previous post, i need more energy and strength ..raising kids is one of the reason for sure.. :P
Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim. ***
"Praise the bridge that carried you over"
Not to say im hunger for complimentary ok , but at least gimme an appreciation after a while ive been going through all these "hard days".
Growing KIds
As i mentioned on previous post, i need more energy and strength ..raising kids is one of the reason for sure.. :P
Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim. ***
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